Our kids are really afraid of storms. Well Justin and Olivia are. They don't really bother Brenden much, probably because he can sleep through anything. Justin always tries to act cool about it, but they really bother him. Tonight when I went in to check on the boys I found Justin with Twinky Bird. We gave Justin Twinky Bird for his second Easter. I'm not sure how he came up with the name Twinky Bird, but Justin has loved that duck since the day he got him. I just thought it was so cute that he grabbed that little security item to wrap his arms around to get him through the night.
Olivia kept fussing that she didn't want to be in her room because thunder was in her room. When we came into the living room she said that she didn't want thunder in her room, she wanted him to go to his house. How can one argue with that? So I wrapped her up in her favorite blanket on the sofa, and Daddy carried her to bed after she was sound asleep.
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