Friday, February 27, 2009

Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby

The boys had a really good time at the Pinewood Derby. They love seeing all of the different cars that everyone made, and then watching them race. Olivia also enjoyed herself. She sat on the sidelines, cheering for each race.

Brenden getting his award

Justin getting his award.

Justin with his "toothpaste".Brenden with his "toothbrush".

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blue & Gold Banquet

The Blue & Gold Banquet is to celebrate the birthday of Boy Scouts. We had a pot luck dinner, and cake afterwards. We played hat relay, and a few of the leaders did a couple of skits. They also gave out the awards that the boys had earned. We all had a pretty fun night.

Justin got to read a part at the start of the evening.
He also earned his Bear patch.
This is Brenden's first year in Cub Scouts.
He seems to have really enjoyed it so far.
Is is really nice to be able to have both of the boys in it this year.
Olivia doing her Cub Scout sign.
She thinks she is just one of the boys.
She was checking out Daddy, to make sure she was doing it right. This is Don when they recognized all of the Den leaders

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Krispy Kreme

Our family has a weekness, and this sign is it. For some reason we have the hardest time passing it up. This time we did pass it up, but turned around and went back. The #1 reason is, when we go inside when the "Hot Now" sign is on, we each get a free hot doughnut fresh off the line. Who can pass that up? Then of course we have to get some to bring home.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Almost Valentines Day

Don and I don't usually make a big deal out of Valentines Day. We always say it is just a holiday that Hallmark and the rose and candy people got together and made up. Well this year we did go out the night before. Mostly because my sister had sent us a gift card to Red Lobster a few months back for us to go on a date, and we had never used it. It was a very nice dinner, and we didn't have to wait for 2 hours to be seated like we would on Valentines Day. After dinner we went to a book store, just like we used to do all the time before we had kids. That was a lot of fun! Then we figured while my mom has the kids, we may as well go see a movie. We went to see "Mall Cop". It was really funny! We had a really fun night together. And there were no cards, roses or candy involved. :)

School Valentine Parties

The boys always have a lot of fun at their school parties. They get to play games, eat a lot of junk, and get candy to bring home. Plus, they get to go home a few minutes early with Mommy.At Justin's party they played a game where they had to place a pillow between their legs and then hop across the class, then back. It was really cute. They had a lot of fun. Plus they ordered pizza to eat!

At Brenden's party they made ice cream sundaes. The kids had a lot of fun with that. They got to put syrup, sprinkles and candy all over a big bowl of ice cream.

Friday, February 6, 2009

A New Hat

I think Olivia is probably the goofiest kid ever! She was in going potty, and the next thing I know she comes in with her panties on her head. I guess nobody ever said you couldn't use them for a hat.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Baby Blanket

Brenden has been using this baby blanket since he was probably just a couple weeks old. I think it is the cutest thing to watch him still sleeping with it 7 1/2 years later. I hope his wife likes Precious Moments.