Sunday, April 26, 2009


This is the day that our family looks forward to all winter long. As soon as it starts to get warm outside, the kids start asking daily if it is time to put the garden in yet. When that day finally comes, everyone is very excited.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Brenden in his hard hat.

Justin "driving" a big truck.

They had these machines set up as a bowling game. It was really cool!

I really didn't think Olivia would do it because she had to walk over with a man she didn't know, but she did. She did a really good job too.

Justin "bowling".

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Science Center

The kids LOVE the Science Center. I can't even begin to count how many times we have been there, and they never get bored with it.

I don't think that
Olivia had a clue
that this animal
had ever been a
living thing.

This is how much it would be to send all 3 kids into orbit. Anyone want to make a donation? :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Never A Dull Moment

Olivia has become quite an interesting child. She has gone from repeating everyone and everything, to now we never know what she is going to say or do next. Yesterday I walked into the kitchen to find her "vacuuming" the kitchen floor with her toothbrush. Today I was doing some laundry, and she comes over and said "good job!" as I was putting the clothes into the washer. I couldn't help but crack up laughing. Then she finds a football, throws it across the basement, and yells "STRIKE". Wait, that's not all. We came up stairs and she starts cleaning the walls with one of her socks. She yells, "who colored on this wall!?!". I said, "I don't know Olivia, who colored on the wall?", and she pops off with "Daddy did". Then she goes back to cleaning the wall saying repeatedly "I can't believe Daddy colored on the wall". Like I said, never a dull moment!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunts

Today we got to go to two different Easter egg hunts. The first one was at the First Baptist Church in Herculaneum-Pevely. They had snow cones and hand painting along with the egg hunt. They also had the Easter Bunny there. Olivia WAS NOT happy about that!

The second egg hunt was at the Herculaneum Fair Grounds. Brenden found one of his really good friends there.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

It seems as though everyone always makes such a big deal about Easter Sunday, but not Good Friday. The thing is, without Good Friday, we have no Easter Sunday. Which then means that we have no forgiveness of our sins. Today is really a sad day. My Savior was beat beyond recognition, and then died on a cross. But there is joy in that sadness. Because of that He was able to be resurrected, and my sins have been forgiven. So Happy Good Friday to you, we will see you at the tomb on Sunday!